containerPlacement | (optional) Defines on what side the Drawer should be opened. Can be set to left , right , top and bottom . Defaults to right . |
title | (optional) The drawer title. Displays on the very top of the content. |
minWidth | (optional) The minimum Drawer content width, defined by a CSS width value like 50vw (50% of the viewport). Be careful on using fixed minWidth so you don't break responsiveness. Defaults to 30rem (average width is set to 60vw ). |
maxWidth | (optional) The maximum Drawer content width, defined by a CSS width value like 20rem . Defaults to 60rem (average width is set to 60vw ). |
className | (optional) Give the Drawer content a class name (maps to dnb-drawer ). |
spacing | (optional) If set to false then the drawer content will be shown without any spacing. Defaults to true . |
preventCoreStyle | (optional) By default the drawer content gets added the core style class dnb-core-style . Use false to disable this behavior. |
navContent | (optional) The content which will appear in the navigation, above the header, and side-by-side the close button. |
headerContent | (optional) The content which will appear in the header of the drawer. |
modalContent | (optional) The content which will appear when triggering the drawer. |
alignContent | (optional) Define the inner horizontal alignment of the content. Can be set to left , center , right and centered . If centered , then the content will also be centered vertically. Defaults to left . |
fullscreen | (optional) If set to true then the drawer content will be shown as fullscreen, without showing the original content behind. Can be set to false to omit the auto fullscreen. Defaults to auto . |